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Based on a novel optical design by Klevtsov, the versatile TAL is the ideal instrument for the advanced amateur astronomer who desires high resolution and excellent light-gathering power (limiting visual magnitude 13.5) in a highly portable telescope. The TAL provides an aperture of 200mm and focal length of 2000mm in a very compact tube length of only 550mm (22 inches). Klevtsov's revolutionary catadioptric design employs a sub-aperture meniscus correcting lens (like the familiar Maksutov) combined with a Mangin mirror-lens secondary. Its fast focal ratio of f/8,5, flat field, and excellent correction of coma, spherical aberration, and astigmatism (14 micron star images at a distance of 10mm from the optical axis!) make the TAL a superb instrument for astrophotography, far surpassing conventional Schmidt-Cassegrain and Ritchey-Chretien systems. Every optical component must pass stringent tests. Interferograms on three axes of each optical set are retained by the factory's quality control department.
Included in delivery with the telescope:
- OTA with 200mm aperture and 2000mm focal length
- 1.25", 10mm and 25mm Super Ploessl eyepieces
- 2X Barlow lens
- 8x50 finder scope
- 1.25" rack and pinion focuser
- Skywatcher-compatible mounting rail