Więcej o serialu LISA...
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LISA is a low resolution high luminosity spectroscope F/5, R~1000.
- Collimator F=130mm F/5
- High efficiency thanks to focal reducer
- Power of resolution R ~1 000 for 23 µm slit
- Slit 15/19/23/35µm
- Slit length 4 mm
- Telescope interface M42 (T-standard), backfocus 41 mm
- Acquisition camera interface T mount standard, M 42 * 0.75, backfocus 54.9 mm
- Guiding camera interface C mount, backfocus 17.5 mm
LISA is sold with a a custom-foamed carrying case.
This is the basic module for visible domain observation (400-700nm). LISA is also available in near Infra-Red version.