Więcej o serialu Universe...
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For centuries, the back of the moon was unknown to humans. Only after the Apollo missions there were enough good data to create the first complete moon globes. Since the 70s, the classic Columbus globe has been found in many schools and households. It is a globe made in hollow forms with hand-covered map pictures.
In the last years the moon data could be clearly improved by the moon probes LRO, Kaguya and Clementine. It was noticeable that the creators of the moon globe of 1972 had cheated in some places. While the first useful maps of the front and back of the moon were available at that time, there was only inaccurate information about the peripheral areas. For the areas around the Mare Marginis and Mare Australe and especially for the Mare Smythii, fantasy landscapes were drawn in.
On basis of the current LRO data the company Columbus has produced a new moon globe exclusively for us in small series! It is probably the first exactly worked moon globe of the world!
Our moon globes are exclusive, numbered individual pieces. The map picture is hand-covered. Thus a clearly better resolution is reached than with the earlier globes in the deep-draw procedure.
We deliver you a piece of quality made in Germany - you can see the difference!