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Optolong Planetary filters kit including UV/IR Cut, R, G, B and IR685 filter, 5pcs filters in total.
What filters are used for Planetary photography?
For photography of planets these filters are fine to use in combination with monochromatic cameras.
Planetary photography is mainly using filters like IR-, UV-filters, etc.
The main goal is to capture the specific spectrum, such as rich carbon dioxide. One of the most common filters is the IR-filter/infrared filter.
In nature, the longer the wavelength of light, the smaller affected it is by atmospheric seeing.
Thus, when we image the planet, we usually use an IR-filter, which transmits only infrared, or near-infrared light, in order to reduce the
negative influence of seeing.
In visible light, photographers use the classical RGB filters.
For Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Neptune, the IR685 comes fist, for Saturn and Jupiter the UV/IR Cut, R, G, B are ideal.