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Moticam 4000X
The Moticam 4000X camera boasts on-board software, enabling you to operate it seamlessly with just a mouse and a screen - no computer needed. For added convenience, it offers both USB and Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing for flexible integration with your existing systems. Use the Wi-Fi connectivity to connect effortlessly with mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones, and the USB to connect to a computer for advanced image analysis using the Motic Images Plus software. Experience real-time, live measurements with exceptional clarity and detail, and elevate your microscopy work to new heights.
Package includes:
CS ring adaptor, focusable lens, 30mm and 38mm eyepiece adapters, Motic 4-dot calibration slide, macro calibration card, macro tube, universal power supply, HDMI cable, USB 3.0 cable, Motic Images Plus 3.1